View bookkeeping entries automatically generated from all other modules in the Small Business Manager range, easily record payables and receivables, use pre-designed templates (depreciation, salaries, credit, etc.), automatically declare your VAT, print your accounting statements (balance, general ledger, journals), tax statements, financial statements and export everything to your accountant at the click of your mouse.
Accounting 2007 - Small Business Manager Series
5 Tips for Hiring a GREAT Bookkeeper
Bookkeeping?the "dreaded" word is something we all have to worry about. Business owners rarely go into business to deal with the financial aspects of running a business. It’s easy to understand why! Who wants to do all those boring record keeping functions? Not many. Therefore, one of the first things most entrepreneurs do is hire a bookkeeper. Though hiring a friend, relative or anyone who isn’t experienced with the basics of bookkeeping may be a recipe for DISASTER!
You may have the best of intentions and they probably do to; however, you need to be objective when hiring a bookkeeper if you want a GREAT one!
5 Tips for Hiring a Great Bookkeeper:
1.KNOWLEDGEABLE. Make sure they have a basic understanding of accounting and how the "big" picture all fits together. The difference between an accountant and a bookkeeper is that an accountant will do more analysis and usually has additional training. So, while you may not need an accountant on staff, you do want someone who has a basic understanding of the difference between assets, liabilities, equity, income, cost of goods sold, and expense accounts.
2.AVAILABLE. Ensure that they will be available and dependable to keep your bookkeeping up to date. Your information should be input on a consistent basis so you can get reports in a timely manner. If they are trying to "squeeze" this function into their other responsibilities, they may not give it the focus they should.
3.ACCOUNTABLE. You want a bookkeeper that will keep you accountable. If they have checks or deposits that they are unsure of, you want them to be willing to hold you accountable and get good information for record keeping. You don’t want someone who is going to code everything to "miscellaneous."
4.COMPETENT. You want to keep your books on a computer, not by hand. So ensure that your bookkeeper is competent in using a computerized bookkeeping program, like QuickBooks? You want a full-service package that incorporates your budgeting, estimating, invoicing, job costing, bookkeeping, and reporting aspects all in one. Though it is key that they are competent enough to be able to input good information into the computer system.
5.FAMILIAR. Having a bookkeeper that is familiar with your industry will shorten the learning curve and provide better details. While the basic bookkeeping fundamentals are applicable to all industries, there are very different specifics needed for different industries. Construction companies rely on job costing to understand their profitability. While, retailers are focused on inventory aspects. Restaurant, non-profit, and service-based industries require different insights too. It’s important to have some basic accounting knowledge, but ideally you want someone with industry familiarity.
7 Questions to include in your interviewing process:
1.What companies/industries do you have bookkeeping experience in?
2.What computer software programs are you familiar with? Word? Excel? QuickBooks? Other?
3.How do you continue to improve your skills?
4.How do you trouble shoot when you have a problem?
5.What time management secrets do you use to ensure projects are completed on time?
6.What are the basic financial statements and why are they important?
7.How will they help you be accountable to the details of record keeping? Some feel uneasy about holding their boss "accountable", but that is exactly what you need!
Hiring employees should never be taken lightly, especially when they are going to be doing your bookkeeping! Without good financial reports, you have no idea how your business is doing. Garbage In = Garbage Out. Input is critical to having a successful business report that you can utilize in your management decisions. These same requirements should be incorporated if you are hiring an outside firm to do your bookkeeping also. These 5 Tips for Hiring a GREAT Bookkeeper will help you!
Contact: Pam Newman is a Certified Management Accountant, Author, and Certified QuickBooks?ProAdvisor for Financial and Point-of-Sale software. For more information, visit her website at or call 816.304.4398. Email:
Hiring a bookkeeper
Any business deal needs the financial aspects set right prior to everything; therefore, everyone getting into a business venture stresses upon to hire a bookkeeper experienced with the basics as well as the advanced levels of bookkeeping. But experience and expertise don’t come in forms of stickers; hence, you need to judge a few points before you hire a bookkeeper.
First of all, your preferred bookkeeper must be knowledgeable about accounting as a whole i.e. he/she must have the power to decide and imply the methodology according to the demands of a situation. At the least, the bookkeeper must be able to understand and differentiate between assets and liabilities, equity and income and profits and expenditures.
Next, it is about availability and dependability. A bookkeeper is not one if he is not found during the times of need. Besides, the job of a bookkeeper is to provide inputs consistently to make available the reports as and when wanted.
Find a bookkeeper that shall keep you accountable i.e. who is not going to put most of the things under miscellaneous. That also means the bookkeeper should be a competent one, with a decent exposure to computerized bookkeeping. Therefore, knowing how to operate the most popular accounting software is vital for a bookkeeper as much as his knowledge on the industry he is hired for. That way, he shall be knowing how to enter the figures at their right places, thus taking his own efficiency up a notch as well.
Bookkeeping Can Boost Your Tax Deductions
Use this checklist to make sure your bookkeeping is maximizing your travel, meals and entertainment deductions.
Get reimbursed for business expenses you pay for personally. Ever been to a restaurant that only takes cash? Or taken a taxi that only accepts cash? Or misplaced your business credit card and had to use your personal credit card? These are just a few examples of when we have to pay our business expenses with personal funds. It’s easy to miss these expenses so keep an envelope handy and put all of your receipts in this envelope. Then you’ve got it handy when you complete your expense report.
Code meals that are 50% deductible to a separate account to keep them distinct from other expenses that are not subject to this 50% rule. Many times I see just one meal account in the chart of accounts. The problem with this is that while meals are generally only 50% deductible, some meals are 100% deductible. The mistake that I see most often when I review a prospect’s prior year tax return, is all meals are treated as only 50% deductible (because they are all coded to one account) and there is no strategy to identify meals that are 100% deductible.
Code meals that are 100% deductible to a separate account to make sure these are deducted in full and not combined with meals that are only 50% deductible.
Code your entertainment expenses to a separate account from meals and travel.
Code your travel expenses that are not meals and entertainment expenses to a separate travel account. Too many times I have seen an account named “Travel, meals and entertainment” (it happens to be a default account in a popular bookkeeping software) and everything gets lumped into this account. Business travel is 100% deductible so separate it out as part of your bookkeeping system. Otherwise, you will have to sort through that account at the end of the year, or worse, you may forget to sort through that account and everything in the account is treated as only 50% deductible!
Use the memo section in your bookkeeping software to make notes about who, what, when, where, how much and the business purpose of your travel, meals and entertainment expenses. This is a great way to strengthen your documentation.
How does your bookkeeping match up?
Proper bookkeeping will boost your tax deductions, particularly for travel, meals and entertainment. This is an area where deductions are regularly missed and not properly documented, but once you know the rules and use my system, you’ll find more and more deductions!
** Important Tip! **
Keep your bookkeeping current! What does current mean? One easy way to make sure you are staying current is to review your Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statements once a month. Do this review when you receive your monthly bank statement. Simply reconcile your bank statement and then review your financial statements.
Bookkeeping Accounting Services
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