Buzz This

Let’s face it. Buying accounting software is a tedious process. After all, who enjoys reading endless marketing literature, talking to salesmen, watching Web demos or delving into the endless complexities of how a given software product works?

The truth is, it’s not the software evaluation itself that’s the problem. The real issue is that most people don’t know what they’re looking for so frustration and impatience sets in. And you know what happens next? A person or company ultimately makes a decision just to get the project out of the way and be done with it.

But like anything else, this does not solve the problem, it only postpones it. Because when the software is installed and doesn’t work as expected, a company is left with an investment with little or no return.

A favorite saying of mine is this: When you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. Here is a simple, real-life example of what can happen when you take this “any road” approach when selecting software: